SAHID DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL <p>Sahid Development Journal ISSN (e) : 2828-0253 | ISSN (p) : 2808-4969 is a journal that contains articles that are related to the implementation of activities related to the scientific development of Islamic banking in the field of community service. The intended articles can be in the form of the results of introduction activities, counseling, social services, mentoring, training, cultural works and even advocacy, all of which are the scientific development of Islamic Banking so that through Community Service, the community becomes involved as the main subject in Islamic Banking.</p> en-US (Tubagus Rifqy Thantawi) (Keris Kartono) Wed, 03 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 PROGRAMMING ACCESS TO SHARIA FINANCING FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM MICRO ENTERPRISES IN MALASARI VILLAGE, NANGGUNG DISTRICT, BOGOR DISTRICT <p>The community service carried out in Malasari Village, Nanggung District, Bogor Regency aims to introduce access to sharia financing. The community is seen as very committed to doing business through the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises they have established, however, in situations where they need capital, the community often finds it difficult to get access to financing that does not burden the community, especially getting access to sharia financing. So far, conventional financing has played an active role, which is very active in offering conventional financing from house to house. Conventional financing seems to be an option in the absence of other options. Meanwhile, the government does not seem to understand this ongoing situation. Village-Owned Enterprises, which should be able to empower the community, do not understand their ideal function based on statutory regulations. The introduction of access to sharia financing is quite enthusiastic by the community, however, this enthusiasm needs to be continued with ongoing assistance so that people become accustomed to thinking directly about sharia financing when they need working capital for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise activities.</p> Rully Trihantana, Mohamad Kharis Mubarok, Gilang Pratama Nugraha Copyright (c) 2023 Rully Trihantana, Mohamad Kharis Mubarok, Gilang Pratama Nugraha Wed, 03 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PROGRAMMING ACCESS TO SHARIA FINANCING FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM MICRO ENTERPRISES IN KAREHKEL VILLAGE, LEUWILIANG DISTRICT, BOGOR DISTRICT <p><em>Islamic Financial Institutions (LKS) and MSMEs are very important to pay attention to. This is because MSMEs are businesses that are managed by small entrepreneurs, and with small capital, but have a major contribution as one of the pillars of the Indonesian economy. On the other hand, they are vulnerable businesses due to lack of access to capital, small production capacity and relatively narrow market share. Therefore, a community service program is needed through socialization that can support the real sector and MSME businesses. This community service activity is carried out with the aim of providing knowledge and information to the public on how to develop a business based on Islamic sharia through collaboration with Islamic financial institutions. This independent service is held in Karehkel Village, Leuwiliang District Bogor Regency.</em></p> Rully Trihantana, Ermi Suryani, Putri Mey Dina Copyright (c) 2023 Rully Trihantana, Ermi Suryani, Putri Mey Wed, 03 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PROGRAMMING ACCESS TO SHARIA FINANCING FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM MICRO ENTERPRISES IN CIMANGGU I VILLAGE, CIBUNGBULANG DISTRICT, BOGOR DISTRICT <p>Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Indonesia are an important part of the national economic system because they play a role in accelerating equitable distribution of economic growth through the mission of providing business and employment opportunities, increasing people's income and playing a role in increasing foreign exchange earnings and strengthening the structure of the national industry. access to sharia financing for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Cimanggu Satu Village, Cibungbulang District, Bogor Regency. In this community service, activities are carried out based on the Social Intervention method. The results of this community service are a reference to how far the program implemented can run, the ability of each individual in the community and groups. trust in formal financial institutions.</p> Miftakhul Anwar, Azizah Mursyidah, Bogart Bolivian Copyright (c) 2023 Miftakhul Anwar, Azizah Mursyidah, Bogart Bolivian Wed, 03 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PROGRAMMING ACCESS TO SHARIA FINANCING FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM MICRO ENTERPRISES IN BOJONG JENGKOL VILLAGE, CIAMPEA DISTRICT, BOGOR DISTRICT <p><em>The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred in Indonesia, precisely starting from 2020, had a very negative impact on all sectors, especially in the economic sector. The Indonesian economy is developing but with this pandemic the economic system has stagnated. Community Service Activities in addition to aiming at providing knowledge also provide opportunities for students to contribute in the community and even contribute to the state, one of which is Community Service activities carried out by students of the Sahid Islamic Institute of Bogor in Kampung Cikiray, Desa Bojong Jengkol, Kecamatan Ciampea, Bogor. This Kampung Ckiray is one of the many areas that have been negatively affected by this pandemic, such as losing their jobs, decreasing people's purchasing power and causing the economy in this village to not develop properly. With the community service program, the author contributes by holding a sharia financing work program in this Kampung Cikiray which is focused on UMKM. This is done nothing but to redevelop the UMKM business in Kampung Cikiray.</em></p> Azizah Mursyidah, Hasbi Ash Shiddieqy, Muhammad Lutfi Tsamrotul Kholdi Copyright (c) 2023 Azizah Mursyidah ME, Hasbi Ash Shiddieqy, Muhammad Lutfi Tsamrotul Kholdi Wed, 03 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PROGRAMMING ACCESS TO SHARIA FINANCING FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM MICRO ENTERPRISES IN CIBITUNG WETAN VILLAGE, PAMIJAHAN DISTRICT, BOGOR DISTRICT <p><em>The traditional manufacture of palm sugar in Cibitung Wetan Village, Pamijahan District, Bogor Regency, is carried out by many Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises or MSMEs by making it from palm sap which comes from the male flower bunches of palm palm trees or sugar palms which are left to let the juices out of palm trees, such as coconut, and palm trees. In making sugar, MSMEs finance independently. The government has not been involved much in capitalizing MSMEs. MSMEs hope for investment from other parties. Palm sugar production requires capital. Therefore, cooperation between MSMEs is needed so that they can compete with other vegetable material processing businesses. In such cases, sharia financing can enter the palm sugar manufacturing business.</em></p> Ria Kusumaningrum, Ratu Dinny, Muhammad Ryandika Zulkarnaen Copyright (c) 2023 Ria Kusumaningrum, Ratu Dinny, Muhammad Ryandika Zulkarnaen Wed, 03 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PROGRAMMING THE INTRODUCTION OF SHARIA BANK AND SHARIA MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS IN CENTRAL CIBITUNG VILLAGE, TENJOLAYA DISTRICT, BOGOR DISTRICT <p><em>Community service activities aim to increase a comprehensive and integrative understanding of the people of Central Cibitung Village, Tenjolaya District, Bogor Regency, regarding Islamic banking and Islamic microfinance institutions. Activities to introduce sharia banking and sharia microfinance institutions to the public need to be provided to open up insights about sharia banking. The result of this activity is that the people of Central Cibitung Village have knowledge of Islamic banking and Islamic microfinance institutions, and have the desire to save or even invest in Islamic banks around the Bogor Regency area.</em></p> Rully Trihantana, Ria Kusumaningrum, Rafiduddin Copyright (c) 2023 Rully Trihantana, Ria Kusumaningrum, Rafiduddin Wed, 03 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PROGRAMMING THE INTRODUCTION OF SHARIA BANK AND SHARIA MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS IN DUKUH VILLAGE, CIBUNGBULANG DISTRICT, BOGOR DISTRICT <p><em>Islamic Micro Finance Institutions (LKMS) can be one of the parties that help efforts to improve the economy of small and medium communities in Indonesia. This LKMS provides microfinance instruments and products that are based on norms and values in Islamic finance and are relatively easier than Islamic banking institutions. However, there are still many who do not know about the existence of LKMS, and there are still many who are not familiar with Islamic banks. In this regard, this community service activity is carried out to use Islamic banks and LKMS to the community, especially the people in Dukuh Village, Cibungbulang District, Bogor Regency.</em></p> Rully Trihantana, Ria Kusumaningrum, Siska Oktavia Copyright (c) 2023 Rully Trihantana, Ria Kusumaningrum, Siska Oktavia Wed, 03 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 DESIGNING ISLAMIC ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS EDUCATION IN KAREHKEL VILLAGE, LEUWILIANG DISTRICT, BOGOR DISTRICT <p><em>This community service aims to determine the extent of understanding of Islamic Economics and Business education and the target of this service to the people of Karehkel Village, Leuwiliang District, Bogor Regency, West Java Province. In this community service, activities are carried out based on transparency and participation methods so that the community can participate fairly in this activity. The result of this community service is that this service is carried out by providing an introduction to Islamic economics and business which is carried out with presentations, providing tutorials, discussions, and practices around material about Islamic economics and business education. Education is one of the basic capital of development, so education is an investment or the main capital in the future. Planning for Islamic Economics education and business practices based on sharia principles today is no longer a necessity, but has become a reality and is increasingly widespread. Economic institutions and Islamic business products are emerging and growing in various parts of the world, even in the midst of non- Muslim communities. Likewise educational planning and training that prepares the personnel for it. Scientific studies on the concept of Islamic economics and business are also continuing and deepening. With this community service, it can be concluded that Islamic education planning is essentially a decision-making process on a number of alternatives regarding the targets of the methods that will be implemented in the future in order to achieve the desired goals and monitoring and evaluating the results of their implementation. And the importance of education to bring the seeds of renewal for the development of society in an effort to improve the quality of life of a prosperous society and it is very necessary to have new and wider knowledge.</em></p> Tubagus Rifqy Thantawi, Azizah Mursyidah, Riani Heryanti Copyright (c) 2023 Tubagus Rifqy Thantawi, Azizah Mursyidah, Riani Heryanti Wed, 03 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 DESIGNING ISLAMIC ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS EDUCATION IN GUNUNG SARI VILLAGE, PAMIJAHAN DISTRICT, BOGOR DISTRICT <p><em>Humans as human social beings cannot be separated from the relationship to interact with each other because humans have the obligation as caliphs in the world in creating benefit. One way to realize these benefits is through business activities. Business ethics in Islam demands good behavior, because currently there is a lot of moral damage that is increasingly widespread in companies. The strong empowerment of superior ethics reflects the good name of the company. (Naranjo, 2014). Currently, many business people are only concerned with the goal to get profit by justifying many ways (Muhammad Saifullah, 2011) and they often ignore business ethics and social responsibility. In Islam, Muslims have recognized the Prophet Muhammad as a successful business actor. His success cannot be separated from his example and wisdom as a true business actor. So that in its implementation it is aligned to produce benefits, then we are obliged to implement the values ​​of business ethics (Hamzah et al., 2017). In an effort to obtain halal sustenance, it is an obligation. This will have an impact on social life (Antonio, 2018). Until now, economic development is inseparable from Islamic history. Economics is an inseparable part of human activities. (syahrizal, 2018). In any business, it must always be accompanied by divine values ​​and whatever is done must originate from a spring of life or commonly referred to as maqashid sharia.</em></p> Tubagus Rifqy Thantawi, Miftakhul Anwar, Ridhatillah Rosamalinda Nasution Copyright (c) 2023 Tubagus Rifqy Thantawi, Miftakhul Anwar, Ridhatillah Rosamalinda Nasution Wed, 03 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 DESIGNING ISLAMIC ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS EDUCATION IN CIARUTEUN ILIR VILLAGE, CIBUNGBULANG DISTRICT, BOGOR DISTRICT <p><em>Community service in Ciaruteun Ilir Village is designing an Islamic economics and business lesson with the following learning designs: providing socialization, learning together about Islamic economics and business, because Islamic economics is basically an economy that makes the human soul a strong, creative and creative soul. also innovative so that the economy in this area becomes more advanced and develops so that the residents in Ciaruteun village are not only spinach and kale farmers who usually enter their goods into markets in Bogor. The place for community service this time is located in the Ciaruteun Ilir area, Cibungbulang district, Bogor district, West Java. So that the result of a prospective design for the future is to make a group of processing practices from spinach and vegetables to become other items that are useful and in demand by many people.</em></p> Rully Trihantana, Ermi Suryani, Konita Oktaviani Lutfiyah Copyright (c) 2023 Rully Trihantana, Ermi Suryani, Konita Oktaviani Lutfiyah Wed, 03 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 DESIGNING ISLAMIC ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS EDUCATION IN PURASEDA VILLAGE, LEUWILIANG DISTRICT, BOGOR DISTRICT <p><em>Community service is a concrete manifestation of implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely the aspect of community service. Through community service activities in Puraseda Village, Leuwiliang District, Bogor Regency, there is synergy between universities and the community as a form of knowledge democracy. The dissemination of knowledge to the community through community service activities aims to provide local communities with an understanding of the importance of education to help the government in making the nation smarter. The substance of this community service is to design Islamic economic and business education for the community. Community service is carried out through activities: educational workshops, educational seminars, provision of reading corners, and teaching. The results of community service provide an overview of how enthusiastic it is to increase public understanding, especially teachers and parents, about Islamic education, economics and business.</em></p> Tubagus Rifqy Thantawi, Miftakhul Anwar, Verlya Salsabila Copyright (c) 2023 Tubagus Rifqy Thantawi, Miftakhul Anwar, Verlya Salsabila Wed, 03 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 DESIGNING HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT FOR HOUSEWIVES, ADOLESCENTS AND CHILDREN IN CINANGKA VILLAGE, CIAMPEA DISTRICT, BOGOR <p><em>This community service aims to</em><em> design human resource management for housewives, youth, and children in Cinangka </em><em>Village </em><em>Pamijahan </em><em>Subdistric</em><em>t bogor </em><em>District</em><em>, West Java </em><em>Provinc</em><em>e. </em><em>In this community service, activities are carried out based on the </em><em>accountability </em><em>methods</em><em> where this researcher refers to accountabiliy and the privision of trust. </em><em>The results of this community service are</em><em> researchers carry out product activities from plastic waste, namely wallets and bags. </em><em>With this community service, it can be concluded tha</em><em>t Human Resource Management( MSDI ) is a management field that includes planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising. This human resource management has sharia principles, namely : trustworthuness, believes in urgency and calls for virtue, positive thingking, disciplined, responsible, and respect others. With this principle, researchers and local residents held socialization and training in the design of making products from plastic waste that would be used as wallets and bags and the people who participated in these activities were given responsibility and mandate in reporting.</em></p> Tubagus Rifqy Thantawi, Bayu Purnama Putra, Ega Oviani Copyright (c) 2023 Tubagus Rifqy Thantawi, Bayu Purnama Putra, Ega Oviani Wed, 03 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000