SAHID DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL : Announcements <p>Sahid Development Journal ISSN (e) : 2828-0253 | ISSN (p) : 2808-4969 is a journal that contains articles that are related to the implementation of activities related to the scientific development of Islamic banking in the field of community service. The intended articles can be in the form of the results of introduction activities, counseling, social services, mentoring, training, cultural works and even advocacy, all of which are the scientific development of Islamic Banking so that through Community Service, the community becomes involved as the main subject in Islamic Banking.</p> en-US Tue, 15 Aug 2023 05:05:21 +0000 OJS 60 CALL FOR PAPER <p>CALL FOR PAPERS<br />JOURNAL OF SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY<br />FACULTY OF ISLAMIC ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS<br />SHARIA BANKING STUDY PROGRAM</p> <p>"SAHID DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL" <br />Volume III Nomor 01 Oktober 2023</p> <p> URL DAFTAR : <br /></p> <p>Template : <br /></p> <p>⏰ Timeline : <br />16 September 2023 (Batas Akhir Pengiriman Artikel)</p> <p>☎️ Contact Person : <br />Keris Kartono (0838-9606-4920)<br /></p> Tue, 15 Aug 2023 05:05:21 +0000